Erin Condren is an online shop that sells planners, acrylic trays, and other photo items. I have been eyeing their journals for awhile but they are a bit pricey at $50 a piece when I already bought a personal planner that has refills for $12. They recently posted this little kit on sale and I jumped at getting some stuff from the company.
Clear envelope - all the goodies came in this re-usable plastic envelope. I am going to keep the goodies I got in here.
Bookmarks for an Erin Condren Planner - these look like they can be placed in your planner to separate sections and are made of material you could write with erasable markers. I will save these for the future - when I have talked myself into a new planner.
Envelope of tags - this was a freebie inserted with the package - to/from labels.
Monthly Budget Book - This is the reason I purchased this little goodie set. I really want to work on setting up a budget and sticking to it so I do not make as many impulses buys as I do.
Wellness Journal - This was also the reason I bought the kit. I am interested in all areas of developing myself this year.
Keep it Together Ribbons - These are so pretty and are for keeping your journal all together. I will be saving these back for my future planner.
Coil Clips - Another clever insert by the company to make you want to get a planner if you do not have one already. You use this to insert things into your planner.
So I was very pleased with my little goodie envelope from this company but most of the items just make me wish I already had an Erin Condren planner.
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